Andrew Beck, Future Forms — Gurevich Fine Art

Andrew Beck, Future Forms


Andrew Beck’s sculptures are given life through the inspiration he finds in his work designing sets for theatre and dance. His art provided the backdrop for hundreds of moving sculptures in countless performances. Now Andrew is taking centre stage. In his latest exhibit, Future Forms at Gurevich Fine Art, Beck’s sculptures with their literal and implied movement are the stars.

“Out of all the visual arts, sculpture has an especially interactive relationship with its viewers. The objects exist beside us in three-dimensional space. This extra dimension means the art relies less on understanding the conventions that have been codified in two-dimensional art and is a closer imitation of the human form,” says Beck.

Future Forms seeks to render the steel sculptures as fluid and reflective, and in doing so project a sense of motion. Each of Beck’s sculptures can be described as kinetic. The sculptures in the show are conceptions of interaction between the human and the super mundane, giving the viewer the ability to see dimensions we normally wouldn’t see in art.

 In his Two Figures series, Beck has worked to simplify the plane so the viewer can compare and contrast the two figures, and consider the interplay of the two objects. Each sculpture’s surface has been ground and polished so that the reflecting light helps to create movement.

In the Whirligig series, the sculptures explore pattern, edge and the formation of evolving shapes. The changing configurations produce a mesmerizing effect. The intention is reinforced by the fact that the sculptures are wind-driven, bringing a silent solemnity to the interplay of light and pattern.

“Future Forms brings a whole other level to art viewing and hones in on the bond the viewer can make with the sculptures,” says Howard Gurevich, owner of Gurevich Fine Art. “The exhibit showcases the ability of sculpture to act as meditative objects and is truly representative of Beck’s multi-talent.”

Future Forms opens March 4 at 7:00 pm and is on display until March 26

