Marie Doris Valois Background — Gurevich Fine Art

Press and Interviews

2010- Press article by Matt Chambers: The Dependent Magazine, Life and culture, newspaper of British-Colombia, November 26 2010.

2010 Press article by Hélène Creusot : The Source, cultural newspaper of British-Colombia, November 2010.

2010- Radio-Canada, interview at "Le Téléjournal CB/Yukon, chronique culturelle de fin de semaine " with Caroline Arbour, Novembre 27th.

2009- Press article by Sophie De Kepper : L'Express du Pacifique, french newspaper of British-Colombia, November 2009

2009- Press article by Alexandra Vézina : L'Echo de la Lièvre, newspaper of MRC Antoine-Labelle, December 2009

2009- Radio-Canada, interview at "Correspondance" with Denis Couture, November 19th and at "Le Téléjournal CB/Yukon, chronique culturelle" with Yolaine Mollet, Novembre 20th.

Artistic Training

2002 à 2006 Painting and drawing course at l’École des beaux-arts Mission Renaissance

2002-04 Apprenticeship with Clarence Bourgoin : Landscape, with Françoise Sullivan : The Art of Abstraction, with Dominique Sarrazin : Picture, Space and Color,

1998 Painting session and apprenticeship with Seymour Segal, Art Therapy training with Diane Petit,

1992 à 1997 Painting and design course in the studio of Francine Labelle Solo and Shared Shows

2006-07 One-person show Paysage du Québec, Théâtre des 4 sœurs, St-André-Avellin, (QC)

2006-07-08 One-person show Le paysage d’ici et d’ailleurs, Funérarium A. Ouellette, Mont-Laurier (QC)

One-person show at restaurant-gallery Robino’s, San Isidro, Costa Rica.

2003 One-person show Les Musiciens, Café Saint Chasles, Mont-Laurier

One-person show Jam de monde, Café Saint Chasles, Mont-Laurier (QC)

2002 Two-person show at the municipal library of Mont-Laurier (QC), Balad’Art event, engraving

2001 Two-person show at furniture store Massé, Mont-Laurier (QC), Balad’Art event, painting

1998 Two-person show Portrait de famille, Belgo Building, Montreal

1997 Two-person show La couleur : dialogue avec l’émotion, Gallery 1040, Montreal. (QC)

Group Shows

2006 Group show, Arbutus Gallery, Sidney, B.C

Group show, Laroche Fine Art Gallery, Sidney, B.C

2006-07-08 Chosen for the Benefit Auction of the Écomusée du fier monde, Montréal

2008 First place in Painting in the competition of the Maison des arts et de la culture de St-Faustin, (QC) .

The painting “Casse-croûte Chez Mo-nik” was chosen as cover of the recipe book Saint-Élie à table, d’hier à aujourd’hui.

2007 Juried show at the Maison des Arts et de la Culture of Saint-Faustin (QC)

The painting “L’essouflement” was chosen by Playwrights Canada Press in 2007 as cover of the book August, an Afternoon in the Country.

Participation in Other Events

2008-07 Participation in Festival international de Racour, Belgium

2007 Exhibition during performance by Fred Pellerin, storyteller, at Théâtre des 4 sœurs in St-André-Avellin (QC)

2007-04 Exposition indisciplinée, annual fund-raising group show to benefit the Centre d’exposition, Maison de la culture of Mont-Laurier (QC)

2008-07 Participation in Festival international de Racour, Belgium

2008-04 Participation in Rendez-vous des artistes in Saint-Léonard, (N. B.)

2008-06 Selected : Painting Symposium in Kamouraska (QC)

Painting and Sculpture Symposium of Sainte-Rose, Rose-Art in Laval (QC)

Festiv’art in Frelighsburg (QC)

2008 Selected: Symposium Art et Passion de Sainte-Julie (QC)

2008-07 Selected: Painting Symposium in Sainte-Flore (QC)

2006 Painting Symposium of Rosemère (QC) Festival Arts et Reflets at Château Richer (QC)

2004-02 Art Teachers’ Show at L’ÉCOLE D’ÉTÉ, arts et métiers d’art in Mt-Laurier (QC)

1997 Benefit Auction of The Happy Couple Foundation, Château Dufresne, Montreal

Related Work Experience

Employment 1997 à 2004 Founding Director of L’ÉCOLE D’ÉTÉ, arts et métiers d’art in Mont-Laurier (QC) (The Summer School for Art and the Handicraft)

Programming and coordination of 80 intensive courses in art and in the handicrafts, given during the summer by established, recognized artists.

2002-04 Drawing Teacher, one-week intensive course at L’ÉCOLE D’ÉTÉ, arts et métiers d’art de Mont-Laurier (QC)

1984 à 1997 Founding Director of Falbala Créations, Ready-to-Wear, Inc.

Designer and producer of a collection of hand-painted ready-to-wear clothing and bed linens.

1980 à 1983 Boutique Falbala, Clothing production, and distribution and sale of the creations of 20 artisans.

Public Collection

Ministère de la Justice, Palais de justice de Mont-Laurier